Susieboldt's Blog

Random Comments from a Dreamer

It’s Over…Move on.

Christmas is over, and yet I think that it still exists within my husband’s heart.

You see, my husband gets really into Christmas. I think he loves it more than me. That’s okay with me considering that Christmas is a holiday that belongs to Jesus, and Jesus is supposed to be our first love, right? So, I’m okay with it. My husband even has the habit of waking up, even if it’s months before December, and asking in his sleepy voice, “Is it Christmas?” And, me being the patient wife I am, will say, “No! Not even close. So stop asking me!”  

I just think it’s funny that some people are having a difficult time letting the Christmas season go. I’m not talking about letting go of the meaning of Christmas, no, that should stay all year round. What I am referring to are the lights, presents, and happy feelings.

We were driving to Wal-Mart one evening and we passed by a house that still had their Christmas lights on. I hadn’t even noticed. It didn’t even strike me as odd, yet my husband, who’s having a difficult time letting go, screamed out,


At first I thought he was yelling at me, and a shocked expression ran over my face, but then I noticed that he was looking at the house with the lights. It didn’t take me long to make the connection. He was yelling at the owners of the house to get over Christmas, it’s over, done with, O.V.E.R.

Of course, his yelling at the house tells me that he clearly isn’t over Christmas. I hadn’t even thought twice about the lights being there. If anything, I would have just thought the owners were being lazy and the lights were on a timer. But, my husband noticing them and then responding to them in such a heated manner suggests that he realizes it’s time to move on, and so everyone else must too. And if other people aren’t letting go, then neither does he have to.

That’s just my theory anyway. And considering that my husband would celebrate Christmas all year long if it were acceptable, I think my theory is pretty sound.

February 1, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment